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CC's Creative Learning Shop

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Teaching Art is a feast into a of colour, line, texture, space and shape. By encouraging a visual exploration in my learning I love developing a creative approach to learning in the classroom. By encouraging different techniques and an understanding of art I hope to help students appreciate visual learning more. I hope you enjoy my uploads and can use them. Please contact me if you require any further information.




Teaching Art is a feast into a of colour, line, texture, space and shape. By encouraging a visual exploration in my learning I love developing a creative approach to learning in the classroom. By encouraging different techniques and an understanding of art I hope to help students appreciate visual learning more. I hope you enjoy my uploads and can use them. Please contact me if you require any further information.
Art Portrait project - a Cultural interpretation using black and white photo-copy- Chila Burman

Art Portrait project - a Cultural interpretation using black and white photo-copy- Chila Burman

This is lesson 4 in the portrait project. Students firstly do a pencil shading of their face using the grid technique and learn how to draw different parts of the face carefully. Secondly students do a monoprint and this is in lesson 2 portrait project and they use their photograph to trace off into the ink to make the monopring. Thirdly students then collage into the monoprint and use Paolozzi as an artist and collage into the monoprint. In this powerpoint the student use one of their photographs and draw into the photocopy. Students look at the artist Chila Burman and look at the way she interprets her Asian and British identity. Students need to think about their own identity and the way they are going to collage into their own photo-copy. Students use felt tips and draw into the photocopies making patterns and try to interpret cultural patterns in bright colours. Your Learning Objective was: To study an example of CHILA BURMAN n your book and describe what you see Students to find out about CHILA BURMAN and begin to understand her Asian and British identity. Students to use their photograph and develop the bright colours and cultural identity in the portrait. To use cultural patterns and to create a self identity photo portrait. SUCCESS CRITERIA Cultural awareness of our differences Understanding of different styles and using digital photography creatively with patterns Appreciation of own patterns and self-identity Collaging: Photographs of everyday items, patterns, favourite clothes, magazine text, Newspaper highlights, paint textures and close up of photos of household items: objects that show own culture and self-identity
KS3/KS2 Art totem pole task- family tree totem drawing made in groups - symbolic family story

KS3/KS2 Art totem pole task- family tree totem drawing made in groups - symbolic family story

**What are the Learning Objectives for this project in Art? ** Students learn from examples and a clear understanding to totem poles is explained visually in slides, also different video clips about Totem poles and their story telling. There are slides which give a background to totem poles. Lots of symbols for different animals given on separate slides which could be used ot make the totem pole. Students through the research into totem poles will gain an appreciation of how religion and spirituality holds in Native American cultures. Students will be able to communicate experiences, moods, and stories and reflect on their own family history and family tree in a group project. Students to create images using the elements and principles and design their totem imaginatively. Using pictures of animals - students can stylise and create a symmetry outcome to use in the building of their animal/sun/bird/man for their totem pole. Each student completes a different part of the totem pole and students need to work in teams Students create images in response to objects from a variety of cultural contexts as students look at and watch various ‘You Tube’ video links about the Totem pole story telling. Students demonstrate awareness of Pacific Coast heritage The slides give a sequence of classroom activities leading to the making of a cardboard totem pole. Students use recycled materials and build their animal/bird/sun/man they designed. There is an emphasis on coloured paper and pasting this into the cardboard and building up the structure. Students will complete the following: **Teamwork: **Complete a group totem pole. Graphic Design: Design a group/tribe logo. Independent Research: Interview a Family member and research family history 3D Sculpture Design: Design a totem sculpture that represents your family history in 100 years time. Recycling materials: Students use recycled materials and construct a standing Totem. Students can embellish and decorate their totem with coloured paper cut outs and black pen line work.
Using Cindy Sherman, discuss identity, stereotypes inspiration for History portrait  photography

Using Cindy Sherman, discuss identity, stereotypes inspiration for History portrait photography

Looking at the work of Cindy Sherman in depth with all her major themes and developing one’s own photo-shoot and selfie and a history portrait Cindy Sherman and her photographs and how she captures gender and stereotypical poses, Alter-ego images, Self-identity figures, Bus riders, examples of History portraits, Film Stills, grotesque portraits and her Clown images. There are 11 questions to answer on her work and students should look through the slides and answer the questions analysing her work. Discussing what makes a gender? What are stereotypes? The pictures show how Cindy changes her identity showing how we make our own identity and we are not born with it. There are lots of examples of photographs by Cindy to inspire Year 9/10 and A-level students to question their identity and what makes an identity. Students should 1 Set up a scene and capture a stereotypical identity they would like to capture or 2 Transform their image completely and to take on a new identity or 3 Capture themselves as they see themselves with all their own interests. 4 Develop a History portrait based on examples of Cindy Sherman.
KS3 Year 7 and 8 Art projects

KS3 Year 7 and 8 Art projects

7 Resources
year 7 Diagnostic for year 7 Celtic letters Paper mache plants Clay Gargoyles year 8 Cubism Making Insects - paper craft Modern Movements - collage and paint Surrealism - painting project
Ks3 Yr7Intro to Art:1st project Diagnostic, assess strengths/skills. Drawing, Collage, Design, 3D

Ks3 Yr7Intro to Art:1st project Diagnostic, assess strengths/skills. Drawing, Collage, Design, 3D

This tasks help to assess abilities and specific skills in Art. This helps to establish a Baseline Assessment for Art after having completed all these exercises. This should take 10-12 lessons. Please work through each exercise carefully. The aim of this diagnostic assessment is to look at specific skills used in art. This diagnostic study is to try to assess different skills in Art. The tasks given are for the different learning/skills in art and it allows the pupils to explore these. There are tasks given for each area of learning. Areas of learning with task: ILLUSIONISTIC learner: draw illusionistically, blind drawing and upside down drawing exercises. CARTOGRAPHIC learner: draw a personal logo (black and white pattern)(use on art books as a name tag). TACTILE learner: Looking at Van Gogh, Gustav Klimt, Chris Ofili and Hundertwasser’ portrait works, their use of lines, shapes, colours and textures. Pupils will choose one of these artists to develop in a tactile way using re-cycled materials. SPATIAL learner: drawing with wire and string, assess whether good at sculptural form. Furthermore, assess the students ability to write ANALYTICALLY and to critically analyse a painting… The pupils will also need to self assess and evaluate their outcomes. At the end of this exercise we would be able to assess pupils strengths and weaknesses in art at KS 3 and there are many opportunities in the presentation for evaluation. How to create an illusionistic space and to draw from first hand observation using blind drawing skills, contour line drawing, upside-down drawing and mark-making. Focus on how to shade using dark and light tones with pencil and biro pens and focus on mark-making. 3 a To critically analyse other artist’s styles and techniques and select and question critically, making reasoned choices when developing work from observation. 3 b. Explore tactile qualities and select a range of materials to interpret a style of an artist. Develop a portrait using tactile materials. Investigate how to express ideas using design skills and design processes and the formal elements like line, colour and flat shapes with patterns Exploring drawing with a 3D structure and looking at shape and line with construction of wire developing spatial recognition. Analysing an artwork and investigating the formal elements used in an artwork. Reflect on and evaluate one’s own and others’ work, adapting and refining the outcomes. Presentation should also be assessed at the end of these exercises. Students should also always write a heading and the lesson objective clearly at the top of each page. There are clear evaluation sheets and assessment opportunities in the unit of work. All tasks are presented with Lesson Objective and clear practical tasks.
Drawing skills - techniques and skills for Key stage 3

Drawing skills - techniques and skills for Key stage 3

8 Resources
These are important skills for Key Stage 3 There powerpoints aim to develop the following skills below and in so doing develop confidence in drawing Line exercises with blind, contour, gestural drawing skills Upside down drawing -how to copy Sphere drawing - teaching tonal drawing Drawing to create an impact with pattern and different techniques - feather drawing Portrait drawing - looking at proportions in a face drawing Fun- confident line combining a photo in drawing
A-level Projects, Tasks, Introduction to course, Examples of students

A-level Projects, Tasks, Introduction to course, Examples of students

9 Resources
A group of different A-level Art projects and tasks to develop Information to absorb about Art - On Style and Principles and Elements Examples of student work Drawing exercises linked to contextual skills Good for introduction to course. Academic theorists to use like John Berger and H Wolfflin to encourage discussion and a deeper understanding.
Elements of art: Point, Line, Shape

Elements of art: Point, Line, Shape

4 Resources
A detailed set of slides showing the basic elements of art used in Art. Exploring what is a point, line and shape and giving colour theory. This is a supportive project for a Foundation course, Year 12 students to develop a deeper understanding of the principles and elements of Art.
Art Mono-printing portrait examples and instructions on how to do this for self identity project.

Art Mono-printing portrait examples and instructions on how to do this for self identity project.

This is a lesson for self identity project after students complete the scaling up of their face in pencil. Using a photocopy students then do a mono-print of their face and later interpret this into an artist style. There are also some links to You tube clips of different ways to do the mono-print. To do a set of three monoprints using one’s photograph to draw with To do 1. a line drawing of one’s portrait carefully following the detail of portrait. Use one’s fingers to create some tonal areas To do 2. a line drawing of ones portrait and then in the ghost print to draw into this surface and to print this To do 3 a line drawing of a portrait but to lay a stencil on your ink block before you do the print.
Art projects on Self-Identity: Photography, Monoprinting

Art projects on Self-Identity: Photography, Monoprinting

5 Resources
A project with a number of resources on Self-identity to support a portrait project and a digital photo print of a face or a photography outcome. Discussions on Cindy Sherman and Frida Kahlo and what is a stereotype. Also a presentation on how to go about making a portrait drawing .
Making a poster on the work of Banksy, interpreting Banksy's Graffitti style.

Making a poster on the work of Banksy, interpreting Banksy's Graffitti style.

In the first part of the powerpoint students are asked to listen to pieces of music and to formulate slogans from them. Students then are asked to do a critical analysis of the work of Banksy by selecting one of his works and answering questions. After this students are asked to copy a picture of Banksy and then make their own collage of his work using magazines and newspapers. The theme of their poster is on the pandemic. We will be learning: To create a poster collage in the style of Banksy that describes the pandemic occurring and linking this to the UK To use magazines, newspapers and pictures and to make a collage of these to create a poster. To make a slogan, drawing the lettering or finding letters in magazies or newspaper. Success Criteria Your poster must include the following: A key phrase or work linked to the pandemic Two image that links to what is happening in the UK or something that is key in the NEWS. It should have graffitti style lettering and pencil work Accurate shape outline Good use of negative space Link between font style and theme Clear placements/readable
Art Photography Ben Heine outcome - questions artist analysis and tasks

Art Photography Ben Heine outcome - questions artist analysis and tasks

We will be learning about Ben Heine and how he uses Drawings and Photography Complete the questions attached: Heading: Ben Heine Create your own version of Ben Hearn. IDEA 1 DOING A DRAWING IN A PHOTOGRAPH Steps for success Take a photograph and load this up on a Powerpoint. Do a drawing to add to this photograph. Load this up on the powerpoint over the photograph. Remove backgrounds. Look at the examples of Pencil and Camera on slide 2 and 3. You could try make it quirky, personal or relate to your situation. It must not be an exact copy of the photograph but be combined in an original quirky way. You may add in interesting ideas that change the photograph IDEA 2 TAKING A PHOTO GRAPH AND ADDING IN CIRCLES KEYS FOR SUCCESS Take a photograph and DRAW over the photograph all the circles like the examples of Digital Circlism Try to use your own photograph Make it as unique as you can. You could try make it quirky, personal and could relate to your situation.
Modern Art Movements project 1 pencil -tonal shading and link to Realism - cup cakes

Modern Art Movements project 1 pencil -tonal shading and link to Realism - cup cakes

This is a step by step drawing of a cupcake - showing how to start with basic shapes and then adding in the detail and the shading. This is part of the modern movements project where students make a cake stand with various cup cakes in different art styles linked to modern movements: Expressionism, Neo-Impressionism, Fauvism, Realism, Surrealism. It also has some slides showing how to do some mark-making exercises to build up students ability to control pencil skills and to capture detail. Students can also draw from a picture of a cup-cake or preferably have a real cup-cake in front of them to draw from. Students can also use the grid method to draw a cupcake and there is a picture of this technique to help.
Art of Klimt, Hair PATTERNS AND Zentangles project

Art of Klimt, Hair PATTERNS AND Zentangles project

A fun project for students to learn about the Art Nouveau Artist Gustav Klimt and to do their own interpretation using patterns to make their hair. Students are asked to firstly read about Klimt and to answer questions. Secondly students are asked to practice doing Zentangle patterns and look at the patterns of Klimt Finally students take a photo of themselves or anyone else and paste this in an interesting position on their paper and begin to draw the Gustav Klimt patterns. TASK: Paste a picture of yourself, friend, family member and interpret the patterns of Klimt around the face. Making hair-styles or clothes using Klimt’s patterns. STEPS TO SUCCESS On an A5 paper paste a picture of a person and draw Klimt patterns making a dress or hair around the face. Look at the examples on the sheet. On your paper firstly divide the areas using lines into shapes around the photo of your face/head and begin to do Zentangle patterns in the shapes. Use a pencil or a pen and try to draw light and dark contrasts. Try to make patterns in the shapes. Use the video clip to help with making zentangles.